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Setup for 7 Player a Game of 7 Wonders

Originally generated on 5/8/2018 12:04:14 PM
A direct link to this setup is$2a$04$KkJqv3HzPPmNAFRE3oQive

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This setup is using...

Age Deck Setup

Leader PhaseAge IAge IIAge III
All Leader cards All cards
Add 7 (black) City cards
All cards
Add 7 (black) City cards
All cards
Add 7 (black) City cards
Add 9 (purple) Guild cards

Player Setup

PlayerWonderSideStarts with...
Player 1 Ephesos - The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (base) B 6 Coins
4 Leader cards
8 Age I cards *
Player 2 Giza - The Pyramids of Giza (base) B 6 Coins
4 Leader cards
8 Age I cards *
Player 3 Roma - The Rome Colosseum (Leaders) B 6 Coins
4 Leader cards
8 Age I cards *
Player 4 Olympia - The Statue of Zeus in Olympia (base) A 6 Coins
4 Leader cards
8 Age I cards *
Player 5 (starting player) The Great Wall of China - The Great Wall (Wonder) B 6 Coins
4 Leader cards
8 Age I cards *
Player 6 Alexandria - The Lighthouse of Alexandria (base) B 6 Coins
4 Leader cards
8 Age I cards *
Player 7 Petras - The Al Khazneh (Cities) B 6 Coins
4 Leader cards
8 Age I cards *

* Players are not to look at their Age I cards until after the Leaders Phase